Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Natural ways to stay away from migraine

Knowing the migraine causes can help one to be aware of all those activities that triggers migraine. Some of the causes include:
(1) Having allergies and allergic reactions to food, smoke, medicine and others;

(2) Very bright lights, extremely loud noises and usual odors or scents;

(3) Physical, mental or emotional stress or the combination of the three;

(4) Irregular sleeping and resting time;

(5) Exposure to heat, smoke and direct sunlight;

(6) Frequent skipping of meals;

(7) Frequent intake of alcoholic beverages that are rich in sulfate;

(8) Menstrual cycle fluctuations, taking birth control pills, and hormonal changes;

(9) Stress, tension and pressures;

(10) Foods containing monosodium glutamate such as snacks and finger foods, and tyramine such as red wines, preserved cheese, grilled fish, chicken livers and beans; and

(11) Other foods such as dairy products, fermented meats and those that are high in caffeine content.

Some of these triggers actually do not cause migraines, but avoiding them cannot help you to treat your migraine.

The best option to prevent migraine headaches cause is usually to try avoiding them, even though prevention is not always that effective as expected. But there are a number of procedures and treatments that are proven to help reduce the frequency and impact of migraine to you and to your health. Take a note of the following:

(1) Have a headache diary - a notebook that helps you keep track of the occurrences of your migraine, and all information about the remedies and procedures you have taken, your diet and your daily routine;

(2) Identify the early warnings of migraine - these include visual disturbances, fluid retention, mood changes, increase and decrease in appetite, sensitivity to light and sound, restlessness, dizziness, diarrhea and nausea;

(3) Always have a regular sleep;

(4) Avoid being stressed as much as possible;

(5) Limit alcohol intake;

(6) Avoid caffeine, monosodium glutamate and sulfate-rich wines;

(7) Take prophylactic medications;

(8) Take non-prescribed supplements;

(9) Avoid direct exposure to smoke, light and radiation; and

(10) Have healthy exercise routines.

Migraine Diet: Pain-Safe Foods

·        Pain-safe foods virtually never contribute to headaches or other painful conditions. These include:

·        Rice, especially brown rice

·        Cooked green vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, Swiss chard, or collards

·        Cooked orange vegetables, such as carrots or sweet potatoes

·        Cooked yellow vegetables, such as summer squash

·        Cooked or dried non-citrus fruits: cherries, cranberries, pears, prunes (but not citrus fruits, apples, bananas, peaches, or tomatoes)

·        Water: Plain water or carbonated forms, such as Perrier, are fine. Other beverages—even herbal teas—can be triggers.

·        Condiments: Modest amounts of salt, maple syrup, and vanilla extract are usually well-tolerated.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Everyday Ayurveda ..

Few day to day tips from ayurveda books to help one stay healthy.
  • Never sleep during the day as it leads to indigestion.
  • Drinking buttermilk is excellent as it is easily digestible, kindles hunger, instigates vata and kapha and cures dropsy, haemorrhoids, enlargement of abdomen, abdominal tumour, duodenal diseases, dysuria, enlargement of spleen, loss of appetite, and anaemia.
  • Ayurveda recommends vegetarian foods that give more nourishment to the body than non-vegetarian foods.
  • Always try to eat fresh lukewarm food and in limited quantities. Food should be taken at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime, as it helps in ensuring proper digestion and a sound sleep.
  • Make oil massage a part of your daily routine.
  • Physical exercise should be an inevitable part of your daily routine. Apart from this, yoga practice will help in bringing lightness to the body, stability, ability to work, resistance to discomfort and will stimulate digestion.
  • Coconut water is sweet, coolant, easily digestible, relieves thirst, is an aphrodisiac, improves hunger and cleanses the urinary bladder.
  • Periodic use of rejuvenation therapy is considered important in maintenance of positive health, given, its therapeutic potential to delay the ageing process and improve quality of life.
  • Ayurveda also believes that mind is a very powerful tool in both causing and curing any disease, and hence, mental discipline and adherence to moral values are considered a pre-requisite for health. Hence, ethical basis of life is considered to be a vital health support system.
  • Take sattvic diet which consists of fresh fruits like pomegranate, apple, banana, oranges, grapes; grains like  rice and wheat in small quantity and dairy like milk and ghee. It keeps the body clean and agile and mind calm and quiet. Fresh buttermilk, fresh green vegetables like spinach, green beans and moong dal are good examples of sattvic food. Although mild sweet taste is sattvic, too much sweet taste as in chocolates and sweets etc, increases Tamas quality. Such people have a steady mind and by their good manner, good character and righteousness.