Tuesday, 6 August 2013

5 Yoga Poses to Run Better

When I first started running, I felt sore and tight, despite stretching thoroughly afterwards. I started thinking that running wasn't meshing well with my yoga practice. Yoga helped me loosen my muscles, but running only seemed to tighten them. A few runs and a bit of research later, I changed my mind. Running and yoga complement each other quite well, and I don't need to end up sore and tight after my runs after all. The right combination of run better with yoga poses can help you stretch out and loosen up after your runs, keeping your muscles and joints healthy and preventing tightness.
Running and yoga work together in other ways, too. While you're running, the breathing you practice in yoga (pranayama) can actually help you keep breathing steadily, even during intense parts of the run. Plus, there is a certain peace that accompanies running (and walking). That repetitive motion allows your mind to clear, and the path that lies before allows your eyes to focus on the horizon. Add some motivating music, and you've got quite the relaxing and stress-relieving workout, much like a good yoga session!
I designed this yoga routine with runners in mind. You'll need a yoga mat, yoga block (or a chair), and a yoga strap (or towel) for these poses.

Seated Wide Angle Forward Fold (Upavistha Konasana)
This pose stretches the hamstrings and calves; the forward fold straightens and lengthens the spine.
From butterfly pose, extend your legs out to either side of you at a 90 degree angle. If you can straighten the legs, flex the feet and engage the quadriceps (by lifting your kneecap) to keep your knees from locking. Lean forward slightly and place your hands on the mat. With every inhale, feel your spine growing longer (imagine the crown of your head reaching out in front of you to the wall); with every exhale, allow the body to sink lower (chest closer to the floor).
TIP: Bend your knees as much as you need to, and bring the legs closer together if needed.

Cow-Face Fold (Gomukhasana)
This is one of my favorite poses! It's incredibly effective for stretching the piriformis, a small, hard-to-stretch muscle deep in your glutes, as well as your hips and IT band. The piriformis tends to become tight in runners.
From a seated position, bring your left foot back by your right hip; stack your right knee on top of your left, with your right foot by your left hip. (If your hips are tight, your top leg/knee might stand rather than lie flat—that's OK.) Grab your feet with your hands (left foot in right hand; right foot in left), and lean forward slightly, gazing past the end of your nose. For a deeper stretch, flex your feet. You can also place your hands on the floor in front of you and lean forward to intensify the stretch. Repeat on the other side, with the left knee on top this time.
TIP: Make sure both hips stay on the ground in this pose.

Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)
This pose opens the hips and stretches the hamstrings.
Turn to the right and step your feet about a leg's length apart. Turn your heels slightly out and your toes slightly in. (Imagine you're slightly pigeon-toed.) Inhale and stand tall and stretch your arms out to a T (not pictured). Exhale and fold forward, taking your hands to the floor or a yoga block. Allow your head to hang down, straightening your spine. Gaze past the end of your nose. After five breaths, inhale as you roll up slowly, engaging your abs and pressing in to your feet to help you rise. Exhale and step your feet together.
TIP: Keep your knees slightly bent if your hamstrings are tight. If you straighten your legs, take care not to lock your knees. For a deeper stretch, engage the quadriceps by lifting up on your kneecap.

Standing Forward Fold with "Ragdoll" Arms (Uttanasana)
Stretch the hamstrings and straighten the spine with this pose.
Inhale and take your hands to your hips as you step your feet hips' width apart. Exhale and fold forward. If you can straighten your legs in this pose, grasp each elbow with the opposite hand. If you can't straighten your legs or if you need more support, place your hands on a yoga block or a chair (not pictured). Allow your head to hang down limply like a ragdoll, straightening your spine. Gaze past the end of your nose.
TIP: Keep your knees slightly bent if your hamstrings are tight. If you straighten your legs, take care not to lock your knees. For a deeper stretch, engage the quadriceps by lifting up on your kneecap.

Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)
Pyramid pose stretches and strengthens the legs, particularly the hamstrings.
Step your left foot back about 3 feet. Your left toes will pivot in at a 45 degree angle. Your right foot faces forward. Inhale and stand tall and lean out over the front foot. Drop your hands to your shin, a yoga block (pictured) or on either side of your front foot. Drop your forehead so it's facing your leg. With every inhale, feel your spine growing longer (imagine the crown of your head reaching to the floor); with every exhale, allow the body to sink lower (the forehead is getting closer to the front leg). To come up, inhale and roll up slowly, pressing into your front foot for support. Repeat on the other side for five breaths.
TIP: For a deeper stretch, interlace the fingers behind your back and roll the shoulders back and down before leaning forward.

More about Yoga for Runners

1 comment:

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