Surya Namaskar |
Best Aerobic tool -Surya Namaskar is also a very effective cardiovascular exercise. There is a common concern that Yoga does not provide adequate cardiovascular endurance. Not only does Surya Namaskar have cardiovascular benefits it is also least likely to cause injuries to muscles and joints. This is attributed to the continuous variability of muscle length during a flow of 10 postures reducing the probability of the types of injuries typically seen in other forms of aerobic activity. Surya Namaskar practice produces hormonal balance thereby resulting in overall good health. According to recent research (Pubmed), Surya Namaskar can result in an energy expenditure of 230 kcals during a 30 min session for a 132 lb individual.
Breath Work - The alternate expansion and contraction of the chest helps in regulating and deepening the breath through the practice. For a novice yoga practitioner, it is hard to synchronize breathing with body postures. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar is the best way to learn the breath synchronization aspect of yoga practice.
Sense of body awareness – We are usually not aware of our bodies all the time. If we were, we would be sensitive to our posture, our discomforts and thereby avoid unnecessary wear and tear and be able to detect the onset of diseases. Surya Namaskar enhances this body awareness and improves overall quality of life.
Social Transformation – A mindful person is by nature more aware of other people’s feelings and hence tends to exhibit more empathy and kindness. Regular Surya Namaskar practice not only helps individuals with their personal health but benefits the entire society by moving people towards a more harmonious life one individual at a time.
Some other Physiological Benefits:
Cyclic Practice of yogic postures in Surya Namaskar helps to loosen up joints and muscles in a short period of time. Abdominal Organs are alternately stretched and compressed. This ensures proper functioning of the organs. Surya Namaskar removes nervous tension and anxiety due to the dynamic nature of the practice. This practice also has a profound positive effect on the back as it involves alternate backward and forward bends. It also improves spinal flexibility and results in improved immunity.
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